7 Day Marketing Therapy Sessions

Understand the why as well as the how! Gain clarity and confidence to successfully market your small business

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    7 Day Marketing Therapy Sessions £10
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        Gain confidence to market your business

        • Perfect Profiles
        • Work on Your Website
        • Live Event Preparation
        • Content Pillars, Keywords &
        • Organise Your Files & Folders
        • Proper Planning
        • Your Marketing Mindset
        • Bonus Content...

        When you sign up for Change Your Mindset to Reduce Stress & Anxiety, You'll also receive this super useful ebook

        A Positive mindset doesn't just happen. It's not something that comes naturally to many people, it's something that needs to be worked on, your mind needs to be 'trained' daily.

        This wonderful additional resource details 7 super simple ways to boost your positive mindset giving you tools and techniques which will empower you to think and be more positive.

        As this element of mindfulness, beneficial habit creation and positive thinking is so very entwined with your success in marketing your creative small business I wanted to include it in the offer.

        By having not only the technical skills to market your business - which you'll start to develop by doing the 7 Day Marketing Workout - but also the mental awareness and agility to develop successful routines and positively manage your mindset, you and your business will go from strength to strength.

        I look forward to seeing your results!